4 June 2014

GUEST BLOG: Happy in Horwich

By guest blogger TRACEY

Cracking Good Food recently delivered a cooking workshop at Places for People (Horwich), an organisation specialising in property management, development and regeneration. We set up at the residential setting as part of a Community Involvement Day event. A group of enthusiastic residents and visitors swiftly prepped the celery and onions for the lentil and tomate soup they were also keen to move onto the quesadillas. These ‘low prep’ dishes were chosen as we are mindful that some people aged over 55 may experience dexterity difficulties. 

Many of the participants shared their past experiences of making soups and their most favourite flavours but were keen to hear Kim’s money and time saving tips of making bulk and freezing batches, keeping it healthy by adding water and not oil to a ‘sticky’ pan, for tired hands use pre crushed garlic and that freezing fresh herbs is possible! The aroma of the bouquet garni brought many an enquiring nose into the room to participate or prep and they were all fascinated by the accompanying dish of spiced Mexican quesadillas. Kim explained how the refried beans filling were an excellent cheap and great source of fibre and protein and are incredibly cheap to buy. They were moderately spiced with paprika, cumin and zesty lime juice, then mixed with the sautéed peppers and red onions. Once the mixture was spread between the tortillas, sprinkled with grated cheese and lightly fried, the queue for this nutritious and low cost lunch nearly spread across the room!

More photos from this session are on our Facebook page here.

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